i kind of always wanted to make a blog
so why not make one about the crazy weekends we have!
by we i mean all the clowns i party and hang with on a daily basis
so no more useless chatter lets go onto the wicked pictures of the weekend (in no specific order)...
Overall it was definetly an A+ weekend

Like usual 'ques is the first to pass out

all i can say...raunchy

My man rasheed came up with some dope ass meals this weekend

i dont even know those two randoms in the background, i guess we are homies...?

Thomas thinks he's cool

Aaron is officially back in our lives

Frisk's face is all you need to know about this one

i was confused, "dope house, lots of people, no dancing!...whaat?"

Kali and Co.

Friday night, after our adventure getting home, we ended up at Kali's and continued to PARTY HARD!

where every weekend night begins!



The nigga Erv stopped by, but he is too busy nowadays to hang with the fam...so sad

Marques (fyi- the girl in the background was doing the robot and when the cops came, she was bitchin' at fools to get out...where is the LOVE in tempe!?)

yes yes, that was friday-saturday
next post about the weekend will be better
some random shit for you guys...