Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spotlight: F/W 08 Lines (part 1...)

it is getting hot again
but the other side of this nation is cooling down
so you know what that means
F/W 08 lines are coming out...
that means we are going to see some clean cuts rolling out soon

Mishka NYC dropped their F/W 08 line a bit ago and no lie
it looks pretty D.O.P.E.
Look Book (I could only find the Second one not the first):

Another classic clothing company that I hope never goes out of business is PEGLEG NYC
I like the way they incorporate shapes and different colours into their clothing
they are constantly coming out with that ill butta kid!
their line is up for purchase, it is a little pricey but you know no one will have it!
the price you gotta pay for fame

Look Book:

and Finally, even though they haven't dropped their F/W 08 line yet...
i'm really liking what i see coming out of The Award Tour
plus it is always much cooler (to me) to support the little man
not the corporate juggernauts
anyway, you should check this dudes shit out
it will definetly make you think twice about buying that Ed Hardy Shirt (plus its MUCH cheaper)
check 'em out, buy something, tell them i put them on the blog! (maybe i'll get the hook up!)

until later, paix

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